Bovington HIVE
What is Bovington HIVE?
Army HIVE delivers information support for the whole military community on a wide variety of topics affecting your everyday Service and personnel life, including relocation, accommodation, health and wellbeing, education, employment, finance, deployment, resettlement, and the local area.
The service is free. HIVE staff can research information on your behalf and are also able to provide confidential signposting to further sources of support.
If you are Service Personnel, a partner or wider family member, a veteran or MOD civilian, HIVE support is available face-to-face through a worldwide network of Information Centres and also online.
The blog covers all HIVE locations in the UK and it can be found at To find local information, please utilise the 'search' which can be found on the left-hand side of the home page, above the individual subject labels. Useful keywords to use include 'Bovington', 'Lulworth', 'Dorset' etc.
If you have any information that is relevant to the local military community, for example you are holding an event, activity, have job opportunities etc and you would like to share via the HIVE blog, please get in contact with Bovington HIVE.

Contact Bovington HIVE
Address: King George V Road, Bovington, Dorset, BH20 6JA
Tel: 01929 403 185
Mil: 94374 3185
Skype 0300 169 0614
East Purbeck Citizens Advice
East Dorset and Purbeck Citizens Advice offer appointments at the Hive, Bovington
Please email us using the form at:
or by scanning the QR code below.
Appointments will be arranged at the HIVE if necessary.
Drop-in without needing an appointment is available at:
Wareham Office, Tuesday & Thursday, 10am-12noon
Lytchett Matravers Library, Friday, 10am-12noon
Herston Village Hall, Swanage, 10am-12noon, first
Monday of each month
Swanage Town Hall, Wednesday, 10am-2pm
If you need to talk to an adviser now, please call Dorset
Adviceline: 0800 144 8848.
Our free advice covers Debt, Housing, Employment, Energy, Legal, Family, and much more... Follow us on Facebook and
Twitter at @CitAdviceEDP and Instagram at edpcitizensadvice